Pack 815 Leaders
In Cub Scout Packs, Akela is a symbol of wisdom, authority, and leadership. Akela is anyone who acts as a leader to the Scout. Akela can be a Cubmaster, Den Leader, Teacher or Parent depending on where the guidance takes place. In den meetings, it is the Den Leader who is Akela. During pack meetings it is the Cubmaster. At home, the parents fill this role.
Every event for our Pack demonstrates an individual who is representing us as a leader. These could be your den leaders, committee members, or other parents who volunteer to help ensure an event goes well. Our goal as a pack is to ensure that everyone for every role that they serve feels welcomed and thanked for all that they do for our scouts.
Please visit our Volunteer page to see the roles that we need to fill for the current school year and contact our Committee Chair if you are willing to take on one of the VACANT roles.
Pack & Committee Leaders
Den Leaders