
A Cub Scout Pack can only be as good as its volunteers.

Without a good set of parents pitching in to run the Pack, we cannot deliver an effective scouting program for our kids. Please help us keep Pack 815 exceptional!

The needed positions are listed below. Each role can be filled by a single person, but one or more people can work together to cover the responsibilities for most of the roles. Please contact Cub Master Adam MacKenzie to get started.

Chartered Organization Representative (COR)

The COR maintains our relationship with our Chartered Organization (CO), which is Murdock Elementary (more specifically, the Murdock PTA), coordinates scheduling and facility use with the CO, approves new adult volunteer leaders, coordinate scout participation in school events (e.g., flag ceremony for PTA meetings).

Pack Committee Member

This is a committee of leaders and parents who meet once per month to plan the upcoming Pack activities. As a PC member-at-large, you would take on minor projects/activities as needed. The PC covers the responsibilities of the rest of the roles listed here when those positions are vacant.

Awards Chair (AC)

The AC purchases and delivers the awards each scout earns (belt loops, pins, patches, etc). Therefore, the AC pulls reports from Scoutbook.com, uploads reports to BSA Internet Advancement, purchases awards from the Scout Shop (across from Truist Park), separates awards and packages for distribution to the individual scouts, delivers awards to the Den Leaders at Pack Meetings, and updates Scoutbook to show awards delivered.

Membership Chair (MC)

The MC coordinates recruitment of new scouts. Most work is in the summer/fall – plan recruiting efforts with the Pack and District, work with CC and CM to run the Sign-up night event(s), gather applications and submit to Atlanta Area Council (AAC), integrate new scouts into the Pack (den assignments, handbook/T-shirt distribution, etc.), perform yearly Pack re-chartering with the AAC in Nov-Dec, work with CC and CM to load new scouts/dens in Scoutbook.com and remove departing scouts/dens.

Assistant Den Leader (ADL)

An ADL assists the Den Leader (DL) with running Den Meetings and with coordinating the Den’s participation in Pack activities. The ADL attends the monthly Pack Committee meeting when the DL cannot attend.

Blue & Gold Banquet Committee

Blue & Gold (B&G) is the annual banquet held in Feb or March to celebrate the birthday of scouting. The event includes a catered meal, entertainment, deserts, and cross-over ceremony for 5th grade Cub scouts who are moving on to Scouts BSA. The event is held at an off-site location, usually an area church. This committee plans the event, reserves the facility, coordinates Pack attendance/payment, schedules entertainment/catering, setup and cleanup.

Camping Committee

The Camping Committee coordinates Pack participation in camping activities. Learn about upcoming camping events and promote attendance with Pack 815 families. Collect registration, payments, and health forms from the Pack members and register the Pack to attend camping trips, including at least one fall camping trip, one spring camping trip, and summer day camp. Work with Webelos Den Leaders and Cubmaster to coordinate attendance in Fall Camperall, Yorktown/Space Camp trip, and Webelos Woods. This committee can be made of several people with each person owning one or more of the trips.

Communications Coordinator/Webmaster

The Comm-Coord communicates details of upcoming Pack events by maintaining Pack website, calendar, and Facebook page. They can submit articles to be included in the Murdock Weekly newsletter pertaining to recruiting events or other events the Murdock community should know about. Alerts Pack about Scout Day events (e.g., Scout Day at the Atlanta Braves, Falcons, Tellus Museum, etc.).

Community Service Committee

The Community Service Committee finds community service opportunities and coordinates Pack participation, including tracking attendance and reporting service hours to the AAC. This includes clean-up days at Murdock, Scouting for Food, etc.

Pinewood Derby/Raingutter Regatta Committee

The Derby/Regatta committee works with the Cubmaster and PC to plan and run the yearly Raingutter Regatta and Pinewood Derby events. This includes purchasing/distributing kits and patches, setting & communicating themes and rules, ordering awards, set up & sign-in, coordinating races, MC/announcer, concessions, and cleanup.

Fundraising Committee (FC)

The FC raises funds to support Pack 815 and scouting in the Foothills District and AAC council. This includes the Popcorn Kernel who runs the fall popcorn fundraiser, as well as Friends of Scouting and Camp Card sales in the spring.

Health Officer

The Health Officer ensures the Pack's first aid kit is available for Pack events and collects/safeguards BSA Medical Forms for scouts and family members who attend Pack outings that require medical forms (camping trips, overnighters, etc.). The health officer also ensures forms are properly populated with required info and correct version of the forms are used, submits forms to camping coordinators when needed, collects forms after trips, stores forms securely, shreds or returns forms that are expired.

(** NOTE - you are not required to have medical training for this position and you will not be expected to perform first aid.).

Pack Trainer

The PT coordinates training of Pack and Den Leaders and is familiar with what training is required for each role. The PC monitors district and council training schedules, alerts Pack and Den Leaders of upcoming training opportunities, tracks leader training and alerts leaders who need to complete required training, ensures all leaders maintain Youth Protection Training (YPT) and alerts those whose training is within 3 months of expiration, works with CM and MC to run the New Family Orientation event to bring new parents up to speed on Pack operations, YPT, and Scoutbook.

Religious Emblems Coordinator

The REC encourages Pack participation in the BSA Religious Emblems program. Learn about the program and assist families in finding information needed to complete the program with their religious institution. Coordinate a simple awards ceremony to present emblem to scouts who complete the program.


Rangemasters are needed to run archery and BB Shooting activities at District camping events and summer day camp. The district prefers each Pack to have at least one parent take rangemaster training to ensure we have enough trained leaders to run these events. If you have archery or shooting experience and would like to be involved in running the shooting ranges at camps and instructing scouts on how to safely participate in these activities, then you would be great for this role.

STEM Coordinator

Learn about the BSA Cub Scout STEM Program and encourage Pack/Den Participation. Work with CM and PC to find and coordinate opportunities for STEM-related activities or speakers for one or more Pack Meetings.

Summer Day Camp Volunteer

Summer Day Camp volunteers serve as a parent volunteer during the week-long summer day camp, usually held the second week of June. The Pack must provide 1 adult 5-day volunteer for every 4 scouts attending day camp (2 adults can split a 5-day slot). Pack 815 usually has about 25 scouts attending, so need 6 - 7 volunteers, but will likely need more than that next summer.

Summertime Activities Coordinator

The Summertime Activities Coordinator schedules and coordinates Pack participation in summer activities for each of the summer months (May – July), not including Day Camp. This position tracks and reports attendance for Scout, Den, and Pack summertime participation awards. Past activities have included zoo/aquarium/cave overnighter, ice cream social, bowling, roller skating, putt-putt golf, or bike rodeo/safety training event.